residential care homes near me, residential care home near me

In today’s world, some elderly people might need specialised care. But being away from family can be an emotional rollercoaster. Resident care homes help residents to stay in constant touch with their loved ones such that existing bonds can continue whilst new bonds emerge. In fact, continuous communication can lead to a fulfilled life. This blog explores how a residential care home near you can aid in the psychological well-being of the resident by enabling you to stay connected.

Practical Ways Care Homes Promote Family Connections

Open Visitation Policies

One of the biggest flexibilities of a residential care home is the open visitation policy. This policy allows you to visit your loved one anytime without you being asked multiple questions. This reduces the feeling of isolation and fosters a supportive atmosphere for the resident to experience life. Open visitation helps keep what’s going on at care homes transparent. You can easily meet your loved ones whenever you want to. 

Family Events and Gatherings

Many residential care homes near you organise family events such as birthday parties, holiday celebrations or community events. Such events can foster a sense of togetherness among the residents and add to their happiness while keeping them at the centre of focus. Such events can help strengthen the family bond as residents can feel more connected. Gatherings held once in a while can brighten up the lives of residents.

Technology as a Bridge for Connection

Virtual Visits and Video Calls

It may not always be possible to visit residents in person. In such cases, residential homes can help you remain connected through video calls–this allows you to constantly check up on the health, well-being and progress of your loved one from anywhere, anytime. Virtual visits have no barriers at all! Video calls make the residents feel at ease–they can communicate with their loved ones face-to-face whenever they want to do so.

Social Media and Messaging Platforms

Apart from video calls, social media apps have also become popular in residential care homes. Staff can share regular updates, photos and videos of residents using messaging apps, while ensuring privacy. This aids the loved ones of residents to virtually participate in the daily life of residents enabling full-fledged care. Staying updated about the care that’s being provided and different activities is essential for the involvement of family members in the care process.

Creating Spaces for Family Interaction

Comfortable Visiting Areas

To foster comfort and combat loneliness, a residential care home near you can have supportive private spaces that allow you to check up on residents and help them open up on what they want to communicate. Meaningful interactions strengthen the purpose of residential care. Cosy visit areas help communication spring up easily and also make the visit a meaningful one while helping serve the purpose of the visit.

Overnight Stay Options

Residential care homes provide the additional comfort of staying overnight if you need to spend extra time with the resident. This helps the families stay more involved in the overall care process. Such stay options can be helpful in times of transition or life events. Comfort is provided similar to a hotel but the feeling is like at home – there are facilities to take care of your needs as you stay overnight with your loved one at the care home.

Encouraging Regular Communication

Weekly or Monthly Family Check-Ins

Family connections are kept running through regular communication between home care staff and family members. Weekly or monthly check-ins can help address any concerns, discuss progress and provide updates on day-to-day activities. This proactive approach encourages family members to play an active role in caring for their loved ones. It’s important for regular check-ins to happen as they help shape up the care process and monitor the progress.

Family Councils and Involvement

Family councils provide a platform for family members to voice concerns and help improve care services provided in residential care homes near you. They help families easily communicate with staff. Family councils imbibe a sense of community involvement for all stakeholders – residents, their loved ones as well as staff. Family councils empower care to be a collaborative effort of the people involved to make it more impactful.

A Community of Connection at Forest Brow

At Forest Brow, we understand the importance of family connections in enhancing the well-being of our residents. We strive to create an environment where families feel welcomed and valued as integral parts of our community. Our open visitation policies allow for flexible visiting hours while our regular family events create strong relationships between residents and their loved ones.

We also embrace technology by offering virtual visits and encouraging social media engagement. Our comfortable visiting areas are designed to facilitate meaningful interactions between residents and families. Through practical strategies such as open visitation policies, technology integration, comfortable spaces for interaction, and more, the emotional well-being of your loved ones are ensured. 


Forest Brow Care Home
63 Forest Road Liss, Hampshire
GU33 7BL

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