About Us
Forest Brow is a boutique residential care home providing around the clock care for up to 32 residents. All of our rooms are single occupancy, many with en-suite facilities.

Staff Team
The Forest Brow staff team have extensive experience in care combined with a friendly and engaging approach to looking after residents.
Our recruitment process is rigorous and we are careful to ensure only the very best staff are selected – staff with a firm commitment to exceptional care who believe wholeheartedly in the individuality of each resident and promote their freedom of choice.
The majority of our staff are trained to at least level 3 Diploma in care, but we also have staff trained to levels 4 and 5. Training of staff is a priority for us, and many additional courses are undertaken above expected mandatory training, ensuring the highest standards in residential care homes.
In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, maintaining and improving the quality of care is paramount. Care4Quality is dedicated to ensuring that healthcare providers, including residential care homes, meet and exceed industry standards, delivering exceptional patient outcomes and satisfaction.

CQC Rating
as ‘Requires Improvement’. You can view the full report by
clicking the following link: